If your birthday falls between the 11th and 20th of any given month, you are in the second group of Social Security recipients. Your money will arrive on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
Simply remember to meet the eligibility requirements so that everything runs smoothly. Mark that date on your calendar so you don’t forget it.
Were you born between the 21st and the 31st? The third group corresponds to you. In March 2025, your payment will arrive on Wednesday the 26th.
However, if you received SSI or retirement benefits before 1997, the dates may differ. But for this group, the 26th is a critical day.
Social Security benefits: good news for your pocket
Social Security adjusts to inflation, and by 2025, a COLA of 2.5% will be applied, resulting in more money per month. For example, if you retire at age 67, you could get up to $4,043 per month. However, if you wait until you reach the age of 70, your monthly benefit will increase to $5,108.
It’s important to remember that these amounts are only available if you’ve contributed the maximum for 35 years. This adjustment helps to maintain the beneficiaries’ purchasing power by ensuring that their income is in line with the country’s economic reality.
How does it compare with 2024? The jump is noticeable. Last year, the maximum at age 70 was $4,873, so the increase is due to both the COLA and delaying retirement. If you’re deciding when to retire, this could be a game changer.

Income limits: what you should know to avoid surprises
Here’s a key fact: in 2025, you’ll only pay Social Security taxes on the first $176,100 of your earnings. If you exceed that limit, the surplus is not affected. However, keep in mind that this is only available to those with high income.
If you have not yet reached full retirement age (67 for those born in 1960 or later) and are still working, there are some additional rules. For example, if your annual income exceeds $23,400, $1 will be deducted from your benefit for every $2 over that limit.
However, when the month comes when you fully retire, this cap increases to $62,160 in 2025. This gives you more flexibility because you can now work without having your income affect the amount of your benefits. Nothing can stop you once you reach full retirement!
If you participate in the SSDI program, keep in mind the established income limits. By 2025, you may receive up to $1,620 per month without affecting your benefits, or $2,700 if you are blind.
This information is critical if you want to combine work and disability support because it allows you to budget your income without surprises.
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