“What is trash to one person is treasure to another” is something we have all heard. What did they mean by that? I am not sure, but I will help you find the answer any way I can.
Does it really count as a crime to trash dive in Michigan?
Can You Dive For Trash Here In Michigan?
Whatever makes you happy is all I have to say.
However, FindLaw says that dumpster diving is allowed in Michigan… but (there is always a but) there are a few things that do not count.
The Exceptions To Dumpster Diving Here In Michigan
You can do what you want, but there are some small rules that could catch you off guard if you are not careful. You need to watch out for more than just the rats.
FindLaw says there are a few things you should keep an eye out for before you dig into the next pile of trash.
- Private Property
- Laws Warning
- Signs and Dumpster Locks
Before digging into all that beautiful trash, these are the three most important things to look for. You should also pay attention to some other rules, but those are the most important ones.
Always keep in mind that you might be on private land, which is where many punishments apply. You probably will not get fined for jumping into a skip by itself, but you might get charged for doing it because it is on private land.
Always think about your choices. That prize you want might not be worth the trouble.
You Aren’t Allowed To Throw These 5 Things Away in Michigan
Did You Know: These Items Can’t Be Recycled Curbside Here In Michigan
The list has a lot of things that can be returned, but you can not put them in the bin at the end of your street. Check out this page to see what those are.
- Wood
- Wired Hangers
- Bowling Balls
- Food Waste
- Applainces
- Diapers
- Potato Chips Bags
- Drinking Glass
- Propane Cylinders
- Furniture
- Hazardous Materials
- Batteries
- Plastic Wrap
- Light Bulbs
- Clothes
- Electronics
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