You might wonder, “Is it legal to sleep in my car in Michigan?” if you find yourself driving along and getting very tired.
It is bad for you and everyone else on the road if you fall asleep at the wheel because you are too tired. That means you should be able to stop and take a quick cat nap in your car, right?
It is not really that easy, though.
Is it Legal to Sleep in Your Car in Michigan?
Is it Legal to Sleep in Your Car in Michigan?
So, is it okay to sleep in your car in Michigan?
In a technical sense, you can. You can sleep for a short time or for 8 hours straight. But you need to make sure you follow certain laws, rules, and policies while you do that.
Where Can You Park to Sleep in Your Car in Michigan?
There are no laws in Michigan that say you can not sleep in your car, but each town or place may have its own rules against it. You should check the laws of a new place before putting it in a park there.
I know the sign already says this, but I want to tell you that “no parking” zones are always “no parking” zones. You can not sleep in them, though. Do not forget to park in a safe spot.
Rest stops are great places to sleep, but make sure there are no signs that say you can not park there first. People have also said that business parking lots, like those at Walmart, are good places. That being said, not all Walmart lots let you do that.
At the end of the day, it depends on where you are in Michigan that you can sleep in your car.
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